Kiyooka Land Trust Foundation – PRIVACY POLICY
The Kiyooka Land Trust Foundation (KLTF) collects personal information to maintain a membership and donor list. The membership and donor list will be used for the following:
1. To provide information about KLTF activities and programming
2. To provide information about KLTF General Meetings
3. To request support for KLTF
4. To provide charitable tax receipts to donors
All personal information collected by KLTF will be stored digitally in an encrypted file on password protected computers. A physical copy of KLTF personal information will be maintained and secured with the KLTF corporate documents (held by a KLTF board member). The Secretary assumes the role of Privacy Officer for KLTF. Personal information collected by KLTF will not be shared with any outside individual or organization for any purpose. Any unintentional breach of privacy information will be communicated by the Privacy Officer as soon as possible to all individuals whose information has been compromised. Personal information will only be accessible to board members and all board members receive training on the foregoing privacy policies on their appointment to the Board. KLTF privacy policies are reviewed annually by the Board.