who we are

The Kiyooka Land Trust Foundation is a not-for-profit charitable society registered in BC, Canada, that was created in 2021.  It is governed by a volunteer board of directors who share a common interest in ecological health and environmental stewardship.  

Why we formed a land trust? 

Our main purpose is to protect the ecological integrity of the lands we hold in trust for future generations of all life.

KLTF recognized the absence of a local land trust organization in the Robson Valley region and wanted to allow property owners the possibility of gifting their land to an organization that understood the needs of the local community. 













our constitution

The name of the Society is the Kiyooka Land Trust Foundation.

 The purposes of the Society are:

  1. To conserve and protect Canada’s environmental heritage for the benefit of the public by acquiring land for conservation purposes, which include preserving, protecting, and enhancing the flora, fauna, and the general ecological integrity of lands held in trust in the Robson Valley  region and adjacent areas.
  2. To advance education, increase the public’s understanding, and enhance community awareness about the importance of supporting and maintaining the ecological integrity of natural areas in the Robson Valley region as valuable environmental and educational assets, by providing educational programs and materials such as natural and historical information, photographic documentation, workshops, public artistic performances, signage, self-guided tours, interpretive trails, and public demonstrations on environmental sustainability.
  3. To raise money, acquire funds, accept bequests and other assistance as necessary to facilitate the above purposes.
  4. To do all such things as are incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the above purposes including, but not limited to. the acquisition, management, and disposal of land and interests in land, as may in the opinion of the board of directors appear to contribute to the above objectives.

NOTE: the legal requirements for all aspects of governance of the Kiyooka Land Trust Foundation as a registered not-for-profit society in BC, including by-laws, are found in the BC Societies Act